Secondly, girls, you don't have to worry about sex being horrendously awful for the first time ever!!
It's actually really common that women don't feel anything at all when they first have sex and that they don't bleed.
Laci Green perfectly explains what it's like for the first time you have sex here:
Just remember that the key thing is to relax and use lube and all will basically be okay. If it does hurt still, you may need to see a doctor.
There is another video by Laci Green that debunks the "popping your cherry myth":
However, it is possible only for SOME girls. Laci Green did not include this info in any of her videos. In fact, your hymen does, of course, exist! But this is what it can possibly look like:
The Imperforate Hymen is what everyone talks about when they use the term "popping your cherry" or "losing your virginity." But, they're wrong. The Imperforate Hymen is highly rare and women with these hymens have to have a doctor puncture their hymen so that they can have a period! Hello, people! You don't ever hear about girls going to the doctor so they can get their period, because it rarely happens!
If you could pop a girls cherry, then she would not have a period!
Unfortunately, women have died for this myth throughout history and even today. If women did not bleed when they first had sex with their husband, in some countries they were murdered. That's more than ignorance right there. It's flat out SEXIST! Many women worried about this, and many of them paid for being born a normal woman with their lives.
So yeah some of them can bleed if they are septate or cribriform, but you would never know if they had a septate or cribriform hymen. It's not your body. It's the woman's.
In conclusion, if there's no blockage, you can't tell if she is a virgin or not, and if there was blockage beforehand, you still wouldn't know! So don't use that against her. She deserves better than that. And if she's ever had sex before and you have a problem with that, you're probably the problem. Not her.
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